October 1, 2016

[Seoul] Let's GO, Seoul●Busan! 首爾●釜山趴趴走! Day 2.1 土俗村參雞湯

Let's GO, Seoul●Busan! 首爾●釜山趴趴走!

안녕하세요 여러분! \^0^/
Annyeonghaseyo, everyone!

It took me quite a while to resume writing.
Been suffering from unable to use laptop for days due to technical problem.

Less assured, I will continue this travel journal series until the end.

Hope you enjoy reading! :)


September 10, 2016 (Saturday)

First morning in Seoul.

It wouldn't be complete if you didn't try out Ginseng Chicken Soup during your stay in Korea.
Many would agree with me, I believe.

I have tried once during my first visit,
and honestly I don't enjoy that meal.

So when Cong Min suggests us to try it out, I was quite reluctant.

For the sake of my dear friend and giving it a second chance,
we went to Tosokchon Samgyetang (토속촌 삼계탕).

토속촌 삼계탕 Tosokchun Samgyetang 土俗村參雞湯

**how to get to this location : take metro/subway to Gyeongbokgung (327),
Exit 2**

Upon looking at the building itself, I feel like time-traveled back to ancient time.
Glad that they keep the cultural architects in good condition.

When we went forward to enter the restaurant,
the waiter led us to another building opposite down the road,
which is also operates by them.

Walking into the building, without much surprised,
it's interior design is typical Korean household yet with a modern touch.

Luckily it wasn't that much people when we reached there,
since we don't have reservation.

Quickly the waiter showed us to our seats
and handed over the menu.

Basically we already decided what we gonna have beforehand
as recommended by travel bloggers.

It's the feast of the king! XD
밥먹자~ Let's eat~

삼계탕 Ginseng Chicken Soup 参鸡汤

We have kimchi on the right, and radish on the left.
And some salt and pepper in the bowl.
Pour in the Ginseng wine into the soup (like we did) to not waste it,
if you are not drinking it.

I must say, this attempt has totally changed my first impression on this dish.
It is so much tastier than the one I had previously.
Highly recommend you to try this yourself! 棒棒的~

Ginseng is good for health, you know?
Good for blood circulation as well.
I can only say, I am totally awake after drinking the soup.

Even the spring onions are so fresh,
you can tell it when it reaches the tip of your tongue.

A close up shot of this delicious Ginseng Chicken Soup.

We also ordered fried pancake to substitute rice.
You can see the prawns in it even without zooming in!!

What a shame since both of us couldn't eat much even we like to @@

The portion is enough to feed at least 3 persons, or 4 (for small eaters).

Food Price:
Ginseng Chicken Soup --- KRW16,000
Fried Pancake -------------- KRW15,000

Price per say, it is quite expensive for a breakfast.
It is more like a price I will spend on a dinner meal.

But considering that we are so full up to a point we are thinking to skip our lunch for today...
I think it is worth for the price, thou.


Thank you and hope you enjoy reading :)
Please look forward to the next post!

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